Spyridon Kyritsis
“Data narrate infinite stories. Just pick the interesting one.”
Spyridon has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He was actively involved in various projects as a software developer/architect, data analyst, project manager or IT consultant. He currently explores environmental "big data" and "Artificial Intelligence" techniques for waste management applications at the "Laboratory of Sustainable Waste Management Technologies".
- Email address: skyrits@gmail.com
- Skype: skyrits
- Website: www.skypad.gr
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyritsis
Education and training
Work experience
Laboratory of Sustainable Waste Management Technologies
- Patras, Greece
IT Administrator
Achaia Development Agency S.A.
IT Administrator and Consultant, focusing on quality control processes.
Cofounder - Manager
Wizards Solutions Ltd.
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Development Department Manager.
- ECDL Training Center Administrator.
- Project Manager and/or developer for various hardware/software projects:
- Custom internet/intranet applications.
- Integration with existing commercial ERP's, Warehouse management systems.
- B2B/B2C web applications.
- Various network hardware/software solutions.
- IT Consultant.
Westnet S.A.
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Custom internet applications development and integration with existing systems.
- Full stack web development.
- Multimedia applications development (2D & 3D animation, video etc.) for CD and/or WEB.
- Planing and implementation and/or administration of corporate networks (MS Windows/Linux/UNIX).
- Server Administration.
- Client Consulting.
Example projects:
- CREATOR. A closed source Web Framework for CMS, B2B, B2C, Portals and E-learning applications.
- Metaixmio Publications e-shop and e-learning portal.
- Westnet S.A. CMS/CRM.
- Software development for European Programmes:
- TELNET - Teletraining in New Technologies (CONNECT-DGXXII)
- TELEFOS - An Open Distanve Learning Tool for Teleworkers (LEONARDO da VINCI).
- DARING - Disabled people working in new Internet jobs (EMPLOYMENT / HORISON).
- E-learning multimedia system (ADAPT).
- Skill Needs Analysis result catalogue (Task Force Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth).
Network Administrator
Patras Univercity - Physics Department
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Maintenance and administration of:
- Novell NetWare networks (Novell NetWare 3.12 File Server with MS-DOS & Microsoft Windows 95 clients).
- Microsoft Windows Workgroups and Domains with various Servers and large number of users.
- FTP, WWW, DNS, Dial-up Microsoft Servers.
- HP-UX, Solaris και Linux (WWW, FTP, DNS, E-mail Servers).
- Departments website development.
- Physics department Computer Center software/hardware maintenance.
Job-related skills
Experience in:
- Following and implementing quality control processes (WESTNET S.A., ACHAIA S.A. and Wizards Solutions Ltd).
- Composing IT related Business Plans (WESTNET S.A. and Wizards Solutions Ltd).
- Adult education in office applications(ECDL)
- Children education in computer skills (ECDL for Kids).
- Certified partner and authorized fiscal device technician for: Synthex, Taxcode, Elpos, Solidus(Citizen).
- Registered Partner of Microsoft Partner Network.
- Programming: FORTRAN, C++, Assembly, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SVG, DHTML, XML, jQuery, Java, CLIPS rule-based programming language.
- Full stack, frond end, back end web development (B2B, B2C, CRM, CMS, ERP web applications).
- Agile methodologies (ICONIX, XP, Kanban, Scrum)
- Image processing 2D & 3D for WEB and DTP applications.
- Custom plug-in development for:
- Adobe Photoshop.
- Joomla CMS (php/mysql/Joomla framework).
- Network administration (Novell NetWare, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux).
- Computer hardware, system automation, embedded systems.
- Designing and implementing clusters for High Performance Computing solutions optimized for scientific applications.
- Configuration and remote administration of VoIP PBX (Asterisk, FIT soho, AVAYA).
Decision Support System for Wastewater and Biosolids Safe Reuse in Agricultural Applications
Kyritsis, S., Koukoulakis, P., & Kalavrouziotis, I. (2021). Decision Support System for Wastewater and Biosolids Safe Reuse in Agricultural Applications. Book of Proceedings, 842–846. http://agrosym.ues.rs.ba/article/showpdf/BOOK_OF_PROCEEDINGS_2021_FINAL.pdf
The Role of Meteorological Factors in the Air Particulate Matter of the Patras Port Atmosphere, Greece. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Apostolopoulou, A. N., Koukoulakis, P. H., Kyritsis, S., Kalavrouziotis, I. K., & Varnavas, S. P. (2020). The Role of Meteorological Factors in the Air Particulate Matter of the Patras Port Atmosphere, Greece. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231(9), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-020-04789-3
The contribution of Decision Support System (DSS) to the approach of the safe wastewater and biosolid reuse
Koukoulakis, P. H., Kyritsis, S. S., & Kalavrouziotis, I. K. (2020). The contribution of Decision Support System (DSS) to the approach of the safe wastewater and biosolid reuse. Wastewater and Biosolids Management, 159. https://doi.org/10.2166/9781789061666_0159
Decision Support System for Wastewater and Biosolids Reuse in Agricoltural Applications
Koukoulakis, P., Kyritsis, S., & Kalavrouziotis, I. (2019). DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR WASTEWATER AND BIOSOLIDS REUSE IN AGRICULTURAL APPLICATIONS. http://wdss.eap.gr/wwes/images/DSS-eBook.pdf
Decision support system for treated municipal wastewater and sludge
Κυρίτσης, Σ. (2017). ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΑΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗΣ ΕΠΕΞΕΡΓΑΣΜΕΝΩΝ ΥΓΡΩΝ ΑΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΑΠΟΒΛΗΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΙΛΥΟΣ [Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο]. https://apothesis.eap.gr/handle/repo/41412
Conferences and seminars
6th distance education e-learning International Summer School and Workshop on “Wastewater and Biosolids Management” (WWSS21)
Keynote speaker at the 6th distance education e-learning International Summer School and Workshop on “Wastewater and Biosolids Management” (WWSS21). This scientific event is organized in the context of the Postgraduate Study Programme “Waste Management”, by the Hellenic Open University.